भिडियो सहित हेर्नुहोस !
The energy crisis in the country and the people with problems of different organizations during the unauthorized as NEA, organization, private industry, electricity is provided by the Minister and entrepreneurs in particular TIA was criticized.
Dozens of such complaints were immediately cut feeder Commission had directed the Authority. NEA out of the Kathmandu valley and unauthorized harvesting, as divided feeder power cuts in many places, some powers have been reduced.
India Dhalkebar-Muzaffarpur transmission line to import a total of 80 MW of electricity and power will be cut when taken special dedicated lines seems to have been spared the additional 60 MW of electricity. But if authorization had taken special feeder katada 60 MW of electricity equal to the electricity consumers grapple with claims.
Daily 15 hours of power cuts affected public authority it came to saying that the special status is given additional feature. NEA same price as illegal as easy special dedicated lines of authority, accusing them of providing electricity to the complaint was investigated by making a pile of engaging in special teams.
By law, essential government agencies, hospitals Authority institutions were genuine special dedicated lines provide electricity, including private industrialists and entrepreneurs to provide the same price of electricity in the Commission believes is illegitimate.
Authority to provide electricity tariff is only right to set electricity tariff commission. However, electricity prices are solely determined by the Authority special dedicated lines has been made available.
Lack of authorization to join the two bodies came to the surface and Neel vivadasameta. Last January 15 in connection with the dispute on the tax collector of the Legislature-Parliament, Public Accounts Committee was reached.
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